परराष्ट्र सम्बन्धका आयाम

परराष्ट्र सम्बन्धका आयाम

– SANTOSH SHARMA POUDEL This opinion piece was originally published in The Kantipur Daily on March 26, 2024. The original article can be read here. कुनै पनि देशको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्बन्धका बहुआयामिक पक्ष हुन्छन् । परराष्ट्र नीतिका केही पक्ष स्थायी हुन्छन् भने...
Need a unified data repository

Need a unified data repository

– NISCHAL DHUNGEL The opinion piece originally appeared in The Kathmandu Post on 11 August 2023. Please read the original article here. The digital age represents a transformative era characterised by the extensive use of digital technology in various aspects of human...
Why Nepal Needs to Debate the Role of Its Army

Why Nepal Needs to Debate the Role of Its Army

– SANTOSH SHARMA POUDEL The column originally appeared in The Diplomat on 31 July 2023. Please read the original article here. Nepal is engaged in a fierce debate about rightsizing its army. Statements by two members of parliament ignited the debate. On June 20,...