by NIPoRe | Nov 29, 2019 | NIPoRe Dataviz, NIPoRe Updates
THE ISSUE According to the September 2019 briefing Document for the World Bank Board, there were more than 164 million documented international migrant workers in 2018 of whom 68 million were women. Over the years, money sent back home by these migrant workers have... by NIPoRe | Nov 22, 2019 | Center for Governance Studies, Center for New Economy and Inequality, NIPoRe Dataviz, NIPoRe Updates
THE ISSUE Alexa Internet, a subsidiary of the US tech giant Amazon, analyzes web traffic data and ranks about thirty million global web pages. The ranking data are available for global web traffic, country specific web traffic and category-wise online traffic. As per... by NIPoRe | Nov 15, 2019 | Center for Governance Studies, Center for New Economy and Inequality, NIPoRe Dataviz, NIPoRe Updates
THE ISSUE It has become a commonplace phenomenon for the governments around the world to borrow money from outside to support their activities. When they borrow the external money, the governments are liable to pay back the borrowed amount as per the terms and... by NIPoRe | Nov 5, 2019 | Center for Governance Studies, Center for Strategic Affairs, NIPoRe Dataviz, NIPoRe Updates
For all the Heads of the States around the world, it is a commonplace phenomenon to travel around countries across the continents either for State Visits or Official Visits or attending major meetings. And Nepal’s incumbent Prime Minister, Mr. KP Sharma Oli, is not an...
by NIPoRe | Oct 28, 2019 | Center for Governance Studies, Center for New Economy and Inequality, NIPoRe Dataviz, NIPoRe Updates, Research
THE ISSUE The World Bank Group has published the 17th edition of the institution’s flagship Doing Business Report earlier this month. The Doing Business Report 2020 ranks 190 world economies on the basis of their performance in 294 business regulatory reforms... by NIPoRe | Oct 21, 2019 | Center for Governance Studies, Center for New Economy and Inequality, NIPoRe Dataviz, NIPoRe Updates, Research
THE ISSUE Starting from the very first day of the current Fiscal Year (2019/20), the Government of Nepal made it mandatory for all salaried employees, public and private sectors. In the following months, there has been a surge in the number of registered taxpayers in...