Each year, Dashain witnesses largest internal movement of people in Nepal. Kathmandu Valley accounts for most of this movement. According to the data released by Metropolitan Traffic Office, between Ghatasthapana (DAY 1) and Phulpati (DAY 7) this Dashain, a total of 1,695,360 people left Kathmandu Valley while 488,755 people arrived in the Valley.
Dashain is the longest and the biggest festival in the Bikram Sambat Calendar that symbolizes victory of good over evil. Observed for 15 days, it is an important annual occasion for Nepalis (and Nepali speaking people in other South Asian countries) to reunite with their families, friends and relatives. Of Dashain’s 15 days, 6 days are most important – 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 15.